What if school...signaled not the name of a process or institution through which we could be indoctrinated...but something more organic, like a scale of care. What if school was the scale at which we could care for each other and move together....I am wondering if we could trade the image of ‘family’ for the practice of school, a unit of care where we are learning and re-learning how to honor each other, how to go deep, how to take turns, how to find nourishing light again and again.”

I teach courses with the Last Mask Center Online and the Last Mask Community. Our commitment to you is that we will continue to offer these courses regularly and if you pay once, you can retake the courses for free each time we offer them. Our goal is to move out of a model of spiritual consumerism and instead of reducing you to a customer, work with you as a cocreator in building a community of sustainable transformative love.

The skills I teach are the skills that have most helped me to repair my connection to the deepest aspects of myself, clear internalized oppression and reclaim my power and alignment with my purpose. They are also the tools that have allowed me to reconcile my relationship with humanity (living and ancestors) and the other than human world including the land where we live, the elements, helping spirits, deities and all the many other kinds of Life part of this gorgeous organism we call the Earth.

My hope is that as we learn and grow together, we can step out of the harmful stories of a suicidal culture and become future ancestors our descendants would be proud of. Let us be the ones they tell stories about who committed themselves so deeply to the most audacious vision of love imaginable we managed to re/discover how to live in a way that is in service to the wondrous experiment of Life.

Energy Body Mastery: Restoring Your Life's Balance and Vitality

We live in a fast-paced, tuned-in, stressed-out world where there is little time for cultivation, to refocus our scattered energy, or address the way other people’s energy seems to always be in our business. Most of us aren’t aware of the multiple ways our energy is being drained, given away, or simply wasted unnecessarily.

You are following your culture’s blueprint for a good life and you’ve done what you were expected to do. But perhaps aren’t quite living the life you know is out there.

You might even feel stressed, anxious, depressed, deeply lonely, disconnected, or just completely overwhelmed. At some level we are ALL dealing with this and simply don’t know what else to do.

And we all come by this dilemma honestly.

Our modern culture, for all of its positives, is ignorant of the need to maintain your energy body

In This Seven Week Course You’ll learn:

  • How to clearly understand the four key structures of your Energy Body, and why that’s important
  • The simple actions you need to do to cultivate the dynamics of your Energy Body
  • How to use the power of visualizations to engage your imagination
  • The natural way to release your limiting beliefs, clear emotional turmoil or numbness, and free yourself from unresolved past issues
  • All classes are recorded so you can still participate without attending live.

Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation

You want to live it in a way that is successful on all fronts, deeply helpful for others, and creates positive change where it matters in the world.

But you find yourself in one of these patterns in life:

  • You get triggered easily and derailed by emotions, often finding by the end of the day that “your wounded child is driving the bus” of your life.
  • You hold oppressive narratives internally that undermine your compassion in relationship with yourself and others
  • You have done years of work in therapy and multiple healing techniques. You don’t want to spend any more time or money, but you are still unable to clear your truly persistent patterns.
  • You are totally trained up and ready to bring your gifts to the world but your life is still reflecting your old patterns back at you, saying “clear me again… I dare you!”

And you come to this challenge honestly, having learned from your culture to avoid the effects of your trauma and deny your unmet needs. Your survival needs taught you to ignore the language of your senses and to disregard your boundaries and need for grounding. You learned to disconnect from your inner felt-sense and defer regularly to the needs of others.

In Energy Body Mastery you learned to access and trust the symbolic language of your inner energy body landscape. In Energy Body Clearing you learn to engage your power to choose precisely where it matters to create long lasting change—at the root of what is needed to clear the past anywhere you hold it in your body or your life.

Take this next step with us into Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation. Begin immediately to use your Energy Body Mastery to release limiting beliefs, clear emotional turmoil or numbness, and free yourself from the root of the past unresolved issues that manifest as the persistent patterns that frustrate your life.

In this 7-week course you’ll learn:

  • The basic practice of clearing in the inner landscape of your energy body and effectively supporting others as they clear.
  • The simple actions needed to clear the full range of fear-based stories we hold from strong traumatic memories to vague awareness we are unsure of.
  • The variations on the clearing theme that allows us to clear chronic stuck emotional patterns and beliefs we hold for no clear reason.
  • The core practices to clear energy “artifacts”, unresolved past lives, energy body dysfunction, and physical body symptoms.
  • The steps to clear the root of commonly internalized stories BIPOC folx internalize as they navigate reality in colonized cultures.


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