Ancestral Liberation Sessions

Why do we need to liberate our ancestral lines?

In much of contemporary culture we have largely stopped tending death. Not only is it rare to receive robust support in grieving our loved ones who have passed, but the transition process for the dying is rarely supported on a spiritual level. People often die unresolved for many reasons due to lack of alignment with purpose, long lingering illnesses that sap the energy it takes to die well, unreconciled relationships, a lack of stories or cosmologies that allow people to feel safe and held in the dying process and a lack of ritual tending that allows one to become a true ancestor.

As a result, the unresolved dead attempt to resolve their lives through the free will of the living, resulting in the same patterns snowballing down the lineage and getting worse with every generation.

The tragedy of this is not only the way this adversely affects our lives, but that it can cut us off from what is meant to be our greatest source of protection, guidance, belonging and compassionate support: our true ancestor helping spirits.

Ancestral liberation is the process of helping our unresolved ancestors to heal the patterns on the level of lineage that keep them stuck, allow them to become true well luminous ancestors and deepen our ability to engage and connect with them as positive forces in our lives so we can transform what has been a burden for us into a powerful blessing.

What are Ancestral Liberation Sessions?

My work with ancestors is informed by my work with Christina Pratt’s Ancestral Healing practices, Dr. Daniel Foor’s Ancestral Lineage Repair process, traditions of the African diaspora and my own decade long journey healing my ancestral lines.

I offer two main types of ancestral healing. One method involves me doing healing work on behalf of your ancestral lines. I track specific patterns that you want to shift in yourself and your ancestral lines in the context of a shamanic healing session. I transform the harmful patterns, remove them from your lineage and then explain the unique steps you can take to integrate the healing and fully transform the patterns in your own life.

Ancestral Liberation Sessions are slightly different. Over the course of 5 sessions I will guide you in doing deep healing yourself with your ancestors on the level of lineage and not only healing and building up your unresolved ancestors so that they may be true ancestor helping spirits but also cultivating your own ability to be in rich intimate relationship with your ancestors and start allowing their blessings to move into your life.

The Ancestral Liberation Process includes:
  • An initial assessment of your ancestral lineages and how they are impacting you today
  • 5 hour-long sessions
  • Homework and ritual prescriptions to engage in between each session
  • Email support in between sessions
  • Ritual tending work I will perform on your behalf
Over the course of the process we will likely:
  • Assess your ancestral lines and connecting with strong compassionate ancestral guides to support your healing work.
  • Work towards healing one or more of your primary lineages to the point where you can receive the full blessings of that line and begin to release the burdens
  • Engage in deep inner emotional work to heal where you carry the unresolved patterns of the ancestors in your own energy body.
  • Cultivate healthy boundaries with both your unresolved ancestors and well ancestors
  • Explore practices for building your relationship with your ancestors through shrine tending, offerings, ritual work, trance and the creation of power objects.

Begin the Ancestral Liberation Process

When you book, you will schedule your first session and we will set up dates for subsequent sessions afterwards.


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